You are here: 11. Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications > 11.7. FIELD SERVICE Menu > 11.7.1. Field Service - Jobs > Viewing your Jobs

Viewing your Jobs

Once you have downloaded your jobs to the PDA, the next step is to view the jobs that have been assigned to you. Your jobs are displayed in a calendar and you can view them by day or by week. You also use this process to start your next job.

  1. From the Micronet Mobile Applications main menu, select the FIELD SERVICE menu.
  2. Select the Jobs option.

Micronet loads your jobs and opens the calendar in Day View showing your jobs for the current day.


Technical Tip

Depending on your company settings, Day View may display jobs with either the customer address details or the job description.

  1. To view your jobs for an entire week, select Change View on the bottom toolbar.

Micronet displays your jobs in Week View.


  1. If you can't view all of your jobs for the day or week, you can scroll by dragging up or down on the screen.

Working hours are a different colour from non-working hours.

  1. To view your jobs for the next day or week, select the Future button on the bottom toolbar.

You can keep selecting the Future button to keep going forward.

  1. To view your jobs for the previous day or week, select the Past button on the bottom toolbar.

You can keep selecting the Past button to keep going back.

  1. When you are ready to start your next job, select the job then select the Next button at the top of the screen.


Technical Tip

If you are not ready to start a job yet, simply select the Back button on the job calendar to return to the FIELD SERVICE menu.

Micronet loads the job then displays any company pre-checks. For more information, refer to "Company Pre-Checks".

If there are no company pre-checks, Micronet displays the Job Review screen. For more information, refer to "Job Review".